So, you’re probably itching to get back to university. Or perhaps you’re starting this September, and are eager for a new experience, to meet new people, and to finally start your degree!

Uni is an exciting time, but it can also be expensive. From rent, bills, nights out, food shops, shopping trips, things can add up. Sometimes student loans don’t go as far as you hope, and you mind find yourself thinking about getting a part-time student job.

If you’re moving to a city, there should be plenty of opportunities for some part-time work, but what would be the best fit for you?

We’re going to give you a run down of some jobs that are perfect for students, in the hope that you can find something that will work for you!

1. Bar Work

Got a favourite club or bar in your student city? Chances are they’ll be looking for bartending staff.

Whilst this job would entail late nights (and dealing with drunken students shouting their orders over the bar), bar work can be extremely sociable if that’s your thing.

Often it can also be quite flexible, doesn’t tend to clash with your uni hours, can give you the chance to meet other students in your area, and depending on where you work, you might also get a staff discount to use on your nights off!

2. Flyering

Flyering can be another great option for students. If you like being outdoors, and exploring your student area, it could be a great fit.

Often, companies will pay students to hand flyers out to other students in key areas, like outside the student union or a club. The flyers will often be about nights out, venues, or things going on in your student area.

Flyering tends to be quite flexible (as long as you distribute the flyers you’re given), and sometimes they can even just be posted through people’s letterboxes, making it nice and easy!

3. Retail

This one might be a bit obvious but retail jobs can have their benefits, and there’s normally a lot of them going, especially if you live in a big city full of shops.

Another thing with retail is that you can apply for shops that you think you would suit. Whether you’re interested in fashion, technology, books, makeup, sports, you should be able to find something up your street.

On top of also receiving a staff discount, you also don’t have to worry about being out in the cold/the dark in the winter months!

4. Paid Internship

Finding a paid, part-time internship in your field can be slightly more difficult, but if you can find one not only can it give you an income, but you can also gain valuable experience that will help you when looking for a graduate job post-uni.

Most courses will have a careers advisor, who might be able to tell you about any relevant positions on offer, or help you approach some local businesses.

5. Student Ambassador

Another thing a lot of universities do is hire students to work at university events, such as open days.

Whilst these roles only occur as one-offs, they can pay really well. These roles often involve telling prospective students about your course, or showing them around the campus or halls of residence.

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